OOPS concepts in Java
In my previous blog , I discussed about what Java basically is . Now , let's begin with the necessary concepts of java which made java a purely Object oriented language. Java is known as Highly object oriented language and it covers almost all OOPS concepts by itself. There are mainly 4 OOPS concepts which are to be used by us in future a lot. These are - 1. Inheritance 2. Polymorphism 3. Abstraction 4. Encapsulation Lets first discuss about Inheritance. What Inheritance really is and how it can make our work easier in java. What is Inheritance? As the name suggests , inheritance is used to inherit the properties of something. What is something there? - a class . So , when one class inherits the properties of another class , it is said that inheritance is occurred. The class which inherits the properties is known as subclass and the class which is inherited known as super class. As shows in this picture , we have 3 types of inheritance in java - 1. Simple Inheritance - Wher...